Skin-tag/Red-vein Removal

Common skin problems including unsightly, bothersome, skin tags can occur around the neck, bikini like and other areas on the body when friction can occur.
At Heaven we use Short Wave Diathermy which is a simple cautery method. We can treat benign moles, skin tags and milia by inserting a small heated needle into the blemish, destroying the tissue. Skin tags, Milia, Thread veins, Spider Veins and Campbell Morgan Spots, can all be removed without unnecessary surgery, minimal pain and most importantly minimal scarring.
As moles are treated to give an aesthetic improvement, we do not remove any surrounding tissue for laboratory analysis. We therefore ask you to have any moles to be treated, checked firstly by your GP and provide a covering letter of authorisation.
Slight swelling and redness is normal after treatment and a scab will form, dropping off as the area heals. The scab will normally fall off after 12 -15 days.
Thread vein removal
Unlike any other treatment, Diathermy is 98% guaranteed to work. Diathermy is the most effective method for the removal of broken capillarys, red veins, thread veins and spider nevi. During treatment the blemish is causterised or "zapped. There is no guesswork. No expensive courses to follow. There is no waiting. Results are instant and in most cases a second treatment is not necessary. In cases where there is extensive broken capillaries on the nose and cheeks, a course of treatment is sometimes required. But for most people who have superficial thread veins around the nose and cheeks, one treatment is often sufficient.
- 15 mins€60
- 30 mins€105
Please note:
LEGS: Diathermy is not suitable for the legs as the underlying feeder vein are too deep to reach. For the treatment of varicose veins, please contact your GP for a referral to a vascular surgeon.